You can climb the wall here
The small courtyard at Väike Tallinn is carefully thought out. Here you’ll find a climbing area, a playground, a ping-pong table, a seating area, and a walkway to navigate through all of them.

You can climb the wall here
The small courtyard at Väike Tallinn is carefully thought out. Here you’ll find a climbing area, a playground, a ping-pong table, a seating area, and a walkway to navigate through all of them.
Homes at Väike Tallinn feature those technical additions that we are sure will make life easier, not the other way around. For example, there are video door-phone systems and Smartix underfloor heating.
This is better than it seems at first glance. Homes in Väike Tallinn have a CO2 sensor that adjusts the fans to keep the air fresh in your home at all times.
The windows start from the floor level. The windows in the first building are 2.3 m high and in the second and third building 2.6 m high. By the way. For all the buyers with regard to whom the claim in the title is incorrect, we will give a Liven gift bag.
Ace of Space interior style packages are not only special, they allow you to create a home that is beautiful to look at and even more beautiful to show to others. Of course, you can choose from simpler options, but that means you yourself have to shine more at home.
Homes at Väike Tallinn feature those technical additions that we are sure will make life easier, not the other way around. For example, there are video door-phone systems and Smartix underfloor heating.
All interior elements have been carefully selected to look good and last long. That includes electrical sockets. When you’re having a housewarming party, you probably don’t want to start with them, but even plugging the cable in seems…somehow nicer now.